A few words about me…
Country girl by birth, city girl by choice, photographer by obsession. That’s me in a nutshell. Born & raised in a small town in southern Indiana, I’ve lived in New York City for over 25 years and love all the gorgeous, loud, messy and amazing things about it.
Photography entered my life when I was in college, after a hallmate taught me how to develop my own images in a small darkroom located in the sub-basement of our dorm. I was instantly hooked. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, there is usually a camera at the ready.
The best way to get to know me is to look through my images and then contact me! I’m happy to talk to you about any project you’re considering, or any event you have on the horizon, from weddings to reunions or corporate parties and anything in between. My style is of course entirely unscripted. One client told me he loves my “street-style wedding photos” and I kind of love that description. Documentary wedding photography, or documentary family photography is definitely “street” in that it involves no posing, no interruption of the natural flow of the event or day, and therefore is a genuine reflection of whatever I’m shooting.
Photography for me isn’t a job - it’s the vehicle through which I can show a bit of the world as I see it, no matter the subject. Even when I’m not being paid to do so, I still always have a camera with me, ready to be inspired by and capture unexpected moments I encounter throughout my day.
On those occasions when I don’t have a camera in hand - rare though they are - you might find me deconstructing and reconstructing clothing, reading a good book or hanging with my husband and kids. Quick piece of trivia: My husband and I love tornado movies! (And yes, our kids think we’re weird.)
Finally, below are some favorite photos that have nothing to do with weddings, but everything to do with me, my life and what I love. I hope you enjoy them.